"SeLaMaT DaTaNg" "aHLaN Wa SaHLaN" "WeLCoMe" "HuaNYiNG"
:: To all bloggers n readers, don't forget to leave your comment in my blog and be a part of my "KeNgKaWaN" :: =))
to those who already followed me, please inform me through comment and leave your url link there..it will make me more easier to follow u back ;)
~Sorry didn't have shoutbox, tapi korang boleh tinggalkan jejak dengan komen di post. confirm akan direply balik.. ;)
::14 NoVeMbeR 1988::
Audit Associate in an audit firm located in Worldwide Business Park, Section 13, Shah Alam..
Graduated with First Class Degree in Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons), UiTM Malaysia, Shah Alam..
Born and bred in small "city" called Balik Pulau, Penang.