Ni hao.. hao jiu bu jian.. hua3, dah nk dkt sbln waiting for stremyx but yet we dont get it.. MAYBE next week..perhaps!! hehe.. Ok back to the topic that l"ook alike" as a song title.. hehe.. actually its just a statement to my journey of life..hhuuuaa...
ok, this post xclusively to those who missed my words in my blog.. hahaha..xbleh blah btol bila Fiq berblogging using broken english huahuahua.. ok, sbnrnya statement kt ats tu ade kene mngena ngan post yg akna dtg.. sememangnya faktor utama "kejadian" tu diri Fiq sendiri, tp mgkin sbb Fiq kalah ngan usaha2 manusia ketam di luar sana..
Nak taw sape Manusia Ketam..rajin2 r bce post Fiq zaman blog ni xdikenali..hehe..[cess..bajet dikenali la sgt skrg nih..hehe]
ketam manusia ada?
mr mind: bt masa ni xpernah jumpe lg.. so, xtw ada ke x..hehe..
tenet lambat load la..tu yg mls nk bukak entri manusia ketam..kalu dh laju, k.eli bukak ekkeke
hehe.. entri tu story tyme Fiq sem 4.. sgt2 terasa pressure, skrg ni, ketam2 tu mesti tgh brgembira..[87% yakin]
soi luar tajuk..
gamba kolej jati???
sjibik cm dulu la..
xdicat pown...
nanti ak try amek pics bilik aku..
nak try tgk new furniture je..hehe